Anthology Clearing Cache Guide (IDEA) If you are having issues accessing the course evaluation system or receive an error message that prevents you from accessing...
Blackboard Test Pool / Banks Generator The Blackboard Test Pool Generator was developed to help you create Test/Quiz/Exam questions for Blackboard Original and Ultra. It allows...
Uploading Test to Blackboard from Blackboard Test Pool/Banks Generator 3. In your Blackboard course, navigate to the “Details and Actions” section. 4. To import a Zip file into question...
Tracking Your Progress in Blackboard Ultra This tutorial demonstrates how to use progress tracking in the Blackboard Ultra course view to monitor your progress and stay on track.
Check Attendance Grades in Blackboard Ultra This tutorial demonstrates how to check attendance grades in Blackboard Ultra. If your instructor has assigned attendance grades, you can view your...
How to Check Your Grades in Blackboard Ultra You can see your grades from different access points in Blackboard Learn. This tutorial will show you how to check your grades...
Self-enroll in a Group in Blackboard Ultra Your instructor may ask you to self-enroll in a group to complete a group assignment or test or participate in...
Messages in Blackboard Ultra This tutorial introduces Messages in Blackboard Ultra. In Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience, your messages all have one home—just like a...
Discussion Analysis in Blackboard Ultra This tutorial demonstrates how to use Discussion Analysis in the Blackboard Ultra course view. Discussion analysis provides an in-depth look at each...