ID Tip: LMS Blackboard Ultra

Learning Management System: Blackboard Ultra

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application that helps organize, create, manage, and track learning development programs or courses. The LMS we use at Daemen is Blackboard Ultra. There is a misconception that an LMS is only used for online or hybrid courses. In fact, the LMS is an essential tool for all modalities of courses. From communication, to learning materials, to assignments, and assessments, you can do it all on Blackboard for all modalities.


Blackboard is an excellent tool for communication with your students. You can post the syllabus, course schedule, learning materials, and announcements for students to find everything they need to know with ease. You can create discussion boards for students to communicate with one another. One of our recommended discussion boards is a Q&A where students can post questions about assignments or learning materials. All students can see the question and benefit from your response.

Learning Materials

An online course is fully built on an LMS, learning materials and all. However, in-person and hybrid courses can also benefit from including their learning materials on Blackboard. Students appreciate organized modules and the ability to access learning materials outside of the classroom.


Creating different types of assignments in Blackboard allows you the opportunity to communicate clear guidelines and instructions.

  1. Accept submissions online through Blackboard, or in-person.
  2. Select a specific due date and time, or no due date for open ended assignments.
  3. Include a rubric to ensure students know what is expected and how they will be evaluated.
  4. Grade using points, percentage, complete/incomplete, or a letter.
  5. Categorize assignments to keep data organized, calculate grades, and reports.


Gone are the days of formatting multiple versions of quizzes and tests in a Word document, printing out dozens of copies, and carting them from classroom to office and back, after grading each question by hand. In Blackboard you can create your assessments for students to complete through the LMS. You can even automate grading for some questions like multiple choice and true/false.


Blackboard Ultra is Daemen’s Learning Management System. It is an essential tool for in-person, online, and hybrid courses. Contact an Instructional Designer today to work us on building your course in Blackboard,

Updated on February 4, 2025

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