• Virtru – Secure Email

    Getting started: To use Virtru’s secure email you must be using Google Chrome. If you’re using a browser other than Google Chrome you’ll be unable to use this service. Google Chrome extension Once the extension has been added to Chrome go back to your inbox. Your inbox should refresh on…

  • Google Chrome: “Your organization will manage this profile”

    Issue I receive a pop-up in Google Chrome when I sign in to my Daemen Google account that states: Your organization will manage this profileThis account ([uniqname]@daemen.edu) is managed by daemen.eduYou’re adding a managed profile to this browser. Your administrator has control over the profile and can access its data….

  • Alum Account Changes

    As of 2021, Google updated various data storage policies. Those changes coupled with a rise in cybersecurity incidents in higher education have changed what we can enable for alums. Below are the changes being made with the dates. Email Forwarding Beginning December 1, 2021, the ability to forward Daemen emails…

  • Zoom Changing the Account Email

    UPDATE: All Daemen Accounts will now be Licensed. Therefore, you will have access to the features available to Pro accounts. If you logged into Zoom using the sign-in with the “Google” option your account was never a part of our Daemen College Zoom Education account. We’ve made changes to merge…

  • Removing a Registered Device from DC-Wildcat

    Note: These steps must be performed on campus, on a device connected to a Daemen network.  Please contact SMART Squad if you need assistance. Step 1: Direct your web browser to http://clearpass.daemen.edu/guest and log in with your Daemen username and password: Step 2: Click on Manage Devices Step 3: Click…

  • Hiding a Course

    Hide a course in your list Use the steps below to hide a course from the Courses tab or from the My Courses module on the My Institution tab. Select the Manage icon that appears when you point to the module. On the Personalize: My Courses page, locate the row for the course you want to hide and clear the…

  • Blackboard Mobile App

    Blackboard has free mobile apps available for all platforms.  You can download the app either by searching the app store or using the links below. Android Apple Microsoft Logging in Student User Guide – Once the app is installed you will need to log in using the steps outlined in…