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  5. How to Setup Appointment Schedules and Create Google Calendar Events

How to Setup Appointment Schedules and Create Google Calendar Events

Google Calendar Appointment Schedules Vs. Appointment Slots Google is constantly changing and updating Google Workspace Tools. The latest changes are connected with Google Calendar Schedules and the slow removal of the Old Appointment slots.

Turning on the Appointment Schedules Option

  1. Go to calendar.google.com
  2. In the upper right corner select the setting icon.  
Go to calendar.google.com 

In the upper right corner select the setting icon.

3. Scroll down to the bottom to Appointment Schedules and check the box to create appointment schedules instead of appointment slots. This option will turn on this feature.

Scroll down to the bottom to Appointment Schedules and check the box to create appointment schedules instead of appointment slots. This option will turn on this feature.

4. Go back to your Google Calendar and in the upper left select the Create button. Then select the Appointment Schedule option at the bottom.

Go back to your Google Calendar and in the upper left corner under the create button. Then select the Appointment Schedule option at the bottom.

Creating Google Calendar Event

5. On the left, you will see an entire sidebar where you can manage your time and different events. You will need to:

Layout with the attributes needed to setup your event.
  • Title your event/s
  • The duration of your appointments 
  • Your availability
  • Scheduling Window
  • Adjusted Availability 
  • Booked Appointments 
  • Color coding for organizational purposes.


Front Facing: Once the Appointment Scheduler has been set up you will see the appointment slots available on your calendar. Anyone requesting to book an appointment would select a time based on the availability of the calendar. (So this eliminates the need to have multiple calendars for different purposes).

Front face view of what participants will see when selecting an appointment time.

A link to the event can be shared directly with the person requesting an appointment using the Blue share button in the upper right corner.

Google Appointment Schedules Recording:

Updated on March 30, 2023

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