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  5. Setting up a conference call with UberConference (for up to 10 participants)

Setting up a conference call with UberConference (for up to 10 participants)

  1. Go to uberconference.com and click Sign Up in the top right.
    Once you sign up you can access UbercConference by clicking ‘Sign Up’.uberconference login page
  2. Select Sign Up with Google and log in with your Daemen email.
  3. Allow UberConferece to access your contacts.
  4. Enter Daemen College for the company name, your Office Number for phone number, select 1-5 for company size, and select United States for country.
  5. Click Get Free on the product selection screen.
  6. Click Skip on the next screen screen.
  7. You are now signed into UberConference! From this screen you can start the conference call now or schedule one for a later time by sharing your Custom URL or Conference Phone Number.
Updated on September 17, 2018

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