Learn More About Microsoft PowerPoint
Here are several sites that offer free PowerPoint tutorials: Microsoft GCFLearnFree.org Skills Factory You can also search this site for specific features that you want to learn more about.
Here are several sites that offer free PowerPoint tutorials: Microsoft GCFLearnFree.org Skills Factory You can also search this site for specific features that you want to learn more about.
Here are several sites that offer free Word tutorials: Microsoft GCFLearnFree.org Skills Factory You can also search this site for specific features that you want to learn more about.
If you are the Owner or Manager of a Google Group, use these instructions to review/edit the addresses in that group. Within your Daemen email, click the apps box in the upper right corner. Choose the groups App from the dropdown selection: Within the groups window that opens, choose “My…
Here are several sites that offer free Excel tutorials: Microsoft GCFLearnFree.org Excel Exposure You can also search this site for specific features that you want to learn more about.
How to Find My Groups If you are the Owner or Manager of a Google Group, use these instructions to review/edit the addresses in that group. Within your Daemen email, click the apps box in the upper right corner. Choose the groups App from the dropdown selection: Within the My…
Open your gmail inbox in a browser (like Chrome) and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to locate the settings menu. Choose the accounts section, and in the “Send Mail As” section, click “Add another email address you own”. Enter “NEW NAME” and new.address@daemen.edu in the…
This video provides a quick overview of how to utilize your Gmail account. For more information, please visit Google’s Learning Center page.
Instructors, take a quick tour of your Blackboard Learn course environment. Find out how to access your course controls, add and edit the course menu, and edit the default Home Page.
SafeAssign is now integrated into regular Learn Assignments. With this integration, almost all assignment features are available with SafeAssign services, including allowing multiple attempts, anonymous grading, delegated grading, and the ability to assign to groups.
In order to access Student Planning: Sign into MyDaemen Navigate to the left hand menu Click Self Service (Plan and Register) link To access some helpful training guides, please visit the Registrar’s Registration Information site.