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End-of-Semester Procedures

Wrapping up your Blackboard Course

Last Week of the Course

  • Celebrate semester accomplishments
    Post an end-of-semester announcement or send a course message to wrap up the course. Include a final request to complete the End of Semester Evaluation. Celebrate!  You and your students have worked hard this semester. Let them know that you appreciate their participation.
  • Portfolio Reminders (if applicable)
    Remind students that their access to the course may be ending and that they should make backup copies of any coursework they may need in the future, particularly if they are in a program with a Portfolio requirement.

After the Course Ends

  • Submit Final Grades
    Submit your final grades for the course via MyDaemen → Self Services.

After the Grading Window 

Preparing for the Upcoming Semester


Updated on July 19, 2024

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