• AI Design Assistant for Blackboard Ultra

    How to use the AI Design Assistant: The AI Design Assistant in Blackboard Ultra will soon be available to help faculty at Daemen University streamline course creation. This tool can assist in generating course structures, discussions, journals, rubrics, assignments, test questions, question banks, images, and AI-driven conversations. While this tool…

  • ID Tip: Student Support Resources

    Student Support Resources: What are they and how do you use them? As faculty and staff we all take on the responsibility to provide students with the resources available to help them succeed and thrive at Daemen. When we work together to raise awareness of these resources and actively support…

  • ID Tip: LMS Blackboard Ultra

    Learning Management System: Blackboard Ultra A learning management system (LMS) is a software application that helps organize, create, manage, and track learning development programs or courses. The LMS we use at Daemen is Blackboard Ultra. There is a misconception that an LMS is only used for online or hybrid courses….

  • ID Tip: Master Course Shells & Templates

    What are they and how do you request one? It can be time consuming and frustrating for faculty to rebuild the same course in Blackboard every semester. It can be equally frustrating and confusing for students when there is a lack of consistency in their courses in Blackboard. Master Course…

  • ID Tip: Syllabus & Schedule Templates

    Did you know that Daemen is a Quality Matters University? Quality Matters (QM) is a voluntary, nationally recognized framework that helps universities improve the quality of courses. While not all courses have gone through the rigorous QM peer review process, the Instructional Design (ID) team has created resources to help…

  • ID Tip: Presentation Rubric

    Presentations can be tricky to grade, especially if the course content does not include public speaking skills. A presentation rubric provides clear guidelines and consistent evaluation with no ambiguity. If you are assigning presentations in your course, students will benefit from a rubric with clear expectations and feedback about the…

  • ID Tip: Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives: Why use them and how to design them. “By the end of this lesson/course, students will be able to…” When creating courses and lessons, we start at the end by defining what students will be able to do upon successful completion. Identifying clear learning objectives will allow you…