Securing Devices at Home and Work 2020 saw a major disruption in the way many work, learn, and socialize online. Our homes are more connected than...
Securing Internet-Connected Devices in Healthcare The healthcare industry is increasingly relying upon internet-connected devices and solutions to improve patient care, organizational efficiency, speed of crisis...
Self Service (Student Planning) Advisor Training – Main Campus Colleague Self-Service Overview Colleague Self-Service is an interactive web application that enables users to view their individual or advisee information...
Self Service (Student Planning) Advisor Training – Remote Student Planning allows you to: TRACK Students’ progress towards Degree Requirements PLAN courses and BUILD a schedule for a particular...
Self-enroll in a Group in Blackboard Ultra Your instructor may ask you to self-enroll in a group to complete a group assignment or test or participate in...
Sharing Videos From Google Drive There are a few steps to share a link to a video that is stored on your Google Drive: 2....
Signing Into Your Chrome Browser Signing in to the Google Chrome browser on a Windows/Mac allows for your data to be linked so that you...
Social Media Cybersecurity Safety Social media can do wonders for you as an individual, as well as if you are running your own online...
SPSS Free Trial Download IBM’s software SPSS Statistics offers a 14-day free trial, alternatively, it is recommended that Daemen students, faculty, and staff request...