Updating Respondus LockDown Browser To update Respondus LockDown Browser on your computer to the latest version, follow these steps. Start the Respondus LockDown Browser application. Windows:...
Uploading Test to Blackboard from Blackboard Test Pool/Banks Generator 3. In your Blackboard course, navigate to the “Details and Actions” section. 4. To import a Zip file into question...
Use Question Pools on Tests in Blackboard Ultra When you create an assessment in the Ultra Course View, you can use question pools to be sure each student...
Using the Calendar in Blackboard Ultra Timing is everything, that’s why Blackboard added a calendar to the base navigation. This global calendar provides events from across...
Invisible Posts My professor cannot see my post but I can. Is it saved as a draft? Have you hit submit? If...
Posting Incorrectly to Blackboard My discussions are posting incorrectly – in some cases they look extra wide or the post will include symbols that...
Format Issues I lose my formatting when I copy and paste into the discussion board in Blackboard. When you copy and...
Copy & Paste in Blackboard The copy and paste function does not work in the discussion board in Blackboard. To copy and paste into the...
Error Message when Downloading I am getting an error message when I try to download a file in my course. What internet browser are...
Blackboard Grade Center Tip Sheet https://www.daemen.edu/sites/default/files/documents/Grade%20Center%20Tip%20Sheet%20for%20Faculty.pdf