Photo Opt-out

We know it’s important to create opportunities for the Daemen community to share their experiences, now more than ever. As part of that effort, we’re gathering pictures and stories to include in messages that showcase our culture.

Daemen University captures photography and video recordings of various campus events, student life, classroom settings, and more. These recordings help us tell the story of Daemen University while highlighting the different aspects of what makes Daemen University special. 

You can opt-out of your photo being used for marketing through Self Service via MyDaemen. The deadline to opt-out is the end of Add/Drop.

  1. Go to Agreements in Self Service .
  2. Find the Photo Opt-out agreement
  3. Click or tap View under Action
  4. Click or tap Accept in the pop-up:
  5. Your Agreements page will now look like this:


Daemen’s Photo Opt-out Statement:

The opt out process is for those who do NOT wish Daemen University to capture their participation and/or appearance with any recording formation. This process is ONLY if you do NOT wish for Daemen University to record your participation and appearance on any recorded medium.

If I become aware of a recording with my likeness, I will notify Daemen University immediately at Daemen University will make reasonable efforts to comply with my request.

I further understand that Daemen University will provide no special compensation for using my image and that I may not receive notice in advance of the specific use of my image. Unless I opt out of this release, I understand that my likeness may be used without my permission as deemed appropriate by Daemen University.

Updated on July 19, 2024

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