Kuali Build Forms

Getting Started

Powerful Forms and Workflow
Automation Software

Build custom forms and workflows using Kuali Build, the No-Code process automation platform designed specifically for higher education institutions.

Build combines advanced form automation software and sophisticated workflow automation software into one platform. Create powerful digital forms and automated approvals. Meet IT’s standards for security, accessibility, and mobile devices. No programming needed. You’ll be amazed by what you can Build.

Kuali will help remove the need for paper forms all across campus thus making for a more seamless and enjoyable student experience and less paperwork for everyone.

Getting Access to Kuali

Fill out this form to gain access. Access will be given to high priority – high impact offices first as we begin to implement Kuali across campus.

Learning how to use Kuali

Getting Started for App Administrators – this is where to start if you will be building and designing your own forms and workflows

Getting Started for App Reviewers/Approvers – this is where to start if you will be using forms and workflows that others have created

For great getting started videos check out Kuali Build Traning Videos

For additional help and deeper dives check out Kuali’s Knowledge Base for a wealth of information on how to do everything Kuali

Updated on July 19, 2024

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