• Reuse Questions in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial demonstrates how to reuse questions in an assessment in Blackboard Ultra. In Blackboard Ultra, you can reuse questions and other content from all existing tests, assignments, and question banks in your course.

  • Importing the Master Course Template into Ultra

    Faculty User Guide The tutorial below demonstrates how Daemen faculty can import the master course template into Blackboard Ultra Courses. Once you have your export package, follow these steps to import that package to your Blackboard Ultra course.  These steps demonstrate getting the file from Google Drive, but would be similar steps…

  • Peer Assessment in Blackboard Ultra

    Peer assessment is a common resource that allows students to review their peers’ work through criteria-based evaluation. This tutorial demonstrates how simple it is for instructors and students to use.

  • Item and Category Weighting in Blackboard Ultra

    In Blackboard Ultra, you can include both individual assessments and categories in your Overall Grade Calculation by unlinking individual items from their associated categories. This provides you with more flexibility in how you calculate student grades. 

  • Import Original Course View Questions in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial demonstrates how to import original course view questions in the ultra course view in Blackboard. You can import ZIP files of Original Course View question pools into your Ultra course. The Original course’s question pools appear as question banks after conversion. Unsupported question types are removed.

  • Grading Using a Rubric in Blackboard Ultra

    After you create a rubric and associate it with an item, you can use it for grading. This tutorial will demonstrate how to grade using a rubric in Blackboard Ultra.

  • Inline Assignment Grading View in Blackboard Ultra

    Inline Assignment Grading enhances the grading experience for faculty and teachers in Blackboard Learn. Instead of downloading student-submitted files to view or edit those submissions, you can now see those files “inline,” i.e. in the web browser. You can also provide feedback with annotation tools – comments, highlights, and even…

  • Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial introduces the Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra. See what you need to grade in all your courses, or drill right into a course and get started. From the base navigation, you have immediate access to all your courses’ grading tasks on the global grades page. You can quickly scan everything you…