• Check Attendance Grades in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial demonstrates how to check attendance grades in Blackboard Ultra. If your instructor has assigned attendance grades, you can view your overall attendance grade and detailed records.

  • How to Check Your Grades in Blackboard Ultra

    You can see your grades from different access points in Blackboard Learn. This tutorial will show you how to check your grades and see instructor feedback in Blackboard Ultra.

  • Self-enroll in a Group in Blackboard Ultra

    Your instructor may ask you to self-enroll in a group to complete a group assignment or test or participate in a group discussion. This tutorial will show you how to self-enroll in a group in your Blackboard Ultra course.

  • Messages in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial introduces Messages in Blackboard Ultra. In Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience, your messages all have one home—just like a normal inbox, but better. You can access all your messages right from the base navigation, or from your course.

  • Discussion Analysis in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Discussion Analysis in the Blackboard Ultra course view. Discussion analysis provides an in-depth look at each student’s discussion participation, critical thinking level, and sentence complexity. These performance-based insights show you which students who may need help or are out of the normal range of participation.

  • Create Course Groups in Blackboard Ultra

    With a group set, you can create multiple groups around a theme, such as a lesson, brainstorming, studying, or volunteering. You can also pair students based on certain attributes, situations, or tasks. This tutorial will show you how to create course groups in the Ultra Course View.

  • Create a Discussion in Blackboard Ultra

    Discussions are a good way to encourage students to think critically about your coursework and interact with each other. This tutorial will show you how to create a discussion.

  • Create Announcements in Blackboard Ultra

    This tutorial demonstrates how to create announcements in Blackboard Ultra. Announcements help you share important information with others in your course. Unlike messages, announcements appear immediately when a student opens a course. Students are less likely to ignore the information you share in a course announcement because it demands attention before viewing…

  • Use Question Pools on Tests in Blackboard Ultra

    When you create an assessment in the Ultra Course View, you can use question pools to be sure each student receives a different version of the assessment. This tutorial demonstrates how to use question pools in the Ultra Course View.